
Corona virus cases by state | corona virus update, Covid-19 cases in the United States are still worrying

Posted by lestari on 25 June, 2020

Corona virus cases by state - The new type of corona virus or Covid-19 is still sweeping the world. The corona virus, which has become a global pandemic, still worries people around the world. because drugs to ward off the covid-19 virus have still not been found, every day a new type of deadly virus is still experiencing an increase in several countries in the world.

Corona virus cases by state | corona virus update, Covid-19 cases in the United States are still worrying

Reporting from the Worl O Meters page per June 24, 2020 people infected with corona virus increased 151,065 people. The addition recorded the number of positive cases of co-19 in the world reaching 9,333,640 people. Of these 478,726 people died from co-19. While 5,011,736 people were declared cured of the corona virus.

United States of America on Wednesday, June 24, 2020 became the country with the highest number of cases in the world. The United States recorded 34,322 positive new cases of co-19. Until now the total number of covid-19 cases in the United States reached 2,422,475, with 1,015,635 of them recovering from the deadly virus. The United States also has the highest case of death due to Covid-19 compared to other countries, reaching 123,467 fatalities.

Brazil, which is known to be under the US, recorded a total of 1,145,906 cases, with 52,649 of them dead and 594,104 others declared to have recovered. Then in third place, Russia recorded far lower cases compared to the US and Brazil. Russia recorded 599,705 positive cases of Covid-19, with total deaths reaching 8,359. Meanwhile, China, which is the home country of Covid-19, recorded additional cases.

Corona virus cases by state | corona virus update, Covid-19 cases in the United States are still worrying

On Wednesday morning, June 24, 2020, China recorded 22 additional cases, bringing the total to date at 83,418 cases. As for the countries with the highest cases in the Asian Continent now occupied by India, they recorded total cases far above China. India confirmed the addition of 15,612 cases, which changed the total to 456,062. One of the countries with the highest population recorded 14,483 deaths, and 258,523 patients recovered. Furthermore, on the European Continent, the country that got the worst impact due to Covid-19 besides Russia was the United Kingdom (UK). The UK, which includes England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, recorded a total of 306,210 cases. The country also recorded the highest number of deaths from the Covid-19 case in Europe, with 42,927 fatalities.

In Southeast Asia, Indonesia has the most Covid-19 cases surpassing Singapore. Indonesia, which is ranked 29th in the world and 9th in Asia, recorded an additional 1,051 cases. So as of Wednesday morning, June 24, 2020, Indonesia had a total of 47,896 Covid-19 cases, of which 19,241 had been declared cured. Indonesia also recorded the highest case of death due to Covid-19 in Southeast Asia, namely 2,535 fatalities
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