
How To Know WhatsApp Is Blocked By Someone [Work]

Posted by lestari on 29 January, 2020

How To Know WhatsApp Is Blocked - When someone has blocked us in WhatsApp (WA) contacts, of course WhatsApp does not notify (notification) that we have blocked someone. However, it turns out that WhatsApp gave a way to see someone has blocked our Whatsapp.

How To Know WhatsApp Is Blocked By Someone [Work]

There are a number of reasons that might make you want to block contacts on WhatsApp yourself, such as friends or ex who you want to avoid. But, how do you know if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp claims that it doesn't directly notify you if someone has blocked you. But there are some instructions that can be done.

Here are the signs if your Whatsapp has been blocked by someone:

How To Know WhatsApp Is Blocked By Someone [Work]

  1. You won't be able to see their online status, or their 'last seen' indicator.
  2. You will not be able to see any changes in their contact profile photos.
  3. All messages that you send will be marked as 'sent' but not 'sent,' while all calls cannot be connected or continued.

If you see all of these indicators on WhatsApp contacts, it could mean you have been blocked, even though there are other possibilities. WhatsApp explains, "We deliberately make this ambiguous to protect your privacy when you block someone".

"So we cannot tell you if you are blocked by someone else," WhatsApp explained as reported by Mirror.co.uk.
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